He can't get HRM, PLE, and GS though. I believe that's 9 AP . So you have to go with his normal rel…
Huh? They only thing stopping corner routes is DOZKO... are you suggesting to user your CBs ? I ass…
And this is why I didn't go near that Dobbins card. Why bother with it when they were bound to do …
So again, 95 OVR, nice RR, but speed and accel are behind other WRs. Units you have a Rams TT.... B…
But unless you have. Rams.TT there are better WRs out there. I have Megatron and Zay also, I also h…
One changed the way the game was played and is considered a top 2 player of all time.,.last defensi…
There's just no way I'm going to replace my 25 ZC/25 Playoff chem team with these cards. Only one I…
Is it refreshing to run the same cheese every game?