Shocker LOL. Still, not the best ROLB out there. From a pass rush standpoint, MF Thibodeaux is bett…
Usually NTL makes a GREAT safety but they gave him 85 zone so unless you have your safeties in Man,…
I just don't get what EA is thinking with some of these ratings. A NTL card should always be at lea…
88 CIT? 86 Spec catch???? 88 Jump?? Has EA been watching any of the 2023 season? LOL. This dude has…
You need to stop calling people names on the forum. It makes you look very small. There's no place …
Of course. It's a video game man, enjoy it.
I have both, Foreman plays better IMO
Have fun wasting a mil on 91s when 92 come out in a few weeks....there's ALWAYS going to be better …
Or go to Binder and sync it.
It's a really cool feature here in anyway, as of now I have 16,558,261 coins