What TT do I build??
I currently have Patterson as my 96 NCAT and Jefferson 96 in my lineup(can sell him). I have 900k coins could get to about 1.2 -1.5(w/ Jefferson) easy. What TT…
Who is better? TOTY Surtain or Ward
I need help who do I choose, the Surtain or Ward, I have no TT rn so just in terms of who's better.
Who is better? TOTY Surtain or Ward
Who do I choose from the two. Both would be auctionable and I have no TT, so just straight up who do you think is better?
Who is better? TOTY Surtain or Ward
I need help who do I choose, the Surtain or Ward, I have no TT rn so just in terms of who's better.
Who's better? Trevon (overrated) Diggs, Surtain, or Denzel Ward, in terms of their TOTY cards?
For me I like Denzel Ward, even though he is slighly smaller, but is faster and more accel. Then close is Surtain maybeeven ahead and then Diggs.
Who do you think was the best LTD this year?
There have been many LTDs dropped this year, so who do you think was the best. Note not currently the best but like at the time it was dropped. Like Darren Wal…
Pro Packs, Fire or not??
I have opened many pro packs this year, as I am a bit of a pack addict. I want to open a discussion, are pro packs worth it, or are they not. Gas or Trash?
Re: Steve Smith Sr. And Greg Olsen Rights?
Yeah I haven't seen a bunch of guys all year, plus some have just non been given like a stud card
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