Re: Who you taking for Rookie Premier?
Good news gents: They said the attributes in the reveals are not final and they did finally show Latham (who looks incredible). So hopefully we see a 1-3 boost…
Re: Just quit up 14-0 fix this game NOW or refund us
Quit playing then lmao. And maybe go to therapy
Re: Who you taking for Rookie Premier?
As a Rams fan I'm also very inclined to take Fiske lol. I should've mentioned I'm not taking the SS since I pulled Kam from that BND pack glitch. But if I hadn…
Who you taking for Rookie Premier?
Obviously we can't really make a decision until we see the stats, but right now I'm leaning towards Daniels, Arnold and Latham.
My thoughts: I've been using…
Best budget cards so far?
We'll say budget is somewhere below 70kish. Anybody stand out? I've heard really good things about Njoku but Kittle has been so good for me.
Re: Tips for stopping Mid Blitz
Thank you. Should note I haven't been able to play against it since I didn't get CFB due to being on PC. I'll try this out!
Tips for stopping Mid Blitz
So far this seems to be the meta blitz this year. Blocking a HB and sliding very occasionally works but still doesn't give you enough time for more down field …
Re: Who was the absolute best card you used all year
I've got a few that come to mind:
Superbowl CMC - My friends and I played him strictly at receiver with Light It Up Yac Em Up. RPOs, drags, any short pass …
Re: My Last Run-Through of Seasons
Like somebody said earlier, it won't matter if RPOs are nerfed in M25. Sports games are always about finding the biggest exploits or glitch plays and abusing t…
I am beyond ready. Me and my boys love to play MUT squads but the current iteration of this game makes squads, and the game in general, just super unfun with a…
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