How is using a Golden Ticket to make an OOP make you a sheep? I understand if its like the Julius P…
I feel like they should be OOP players especially players that arent in the league anymore or slept…
These are some of the worst Golden Tickets ever made. These people have no creativity in their brai…
Depends how you're gonna use him. If you're constantly running around then run and gun. If you're a…
Big Facts! EA is trash lol!
I was jusy thinking that too! I was so excited he came out for my cardinals TT but his abilities ar…
He makes so much coins cause he buys every new release with real cash lol and sells all the good ca…
I mean you paid real cash for it lmao. EA came up on you🤣!
If one fits your theme better go for that one. If that isn't a factor I'd say go bo because his Ang…
Lets go 💪💯
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