So the XF doesn’t actually light up like the AKA guys? And it doesn’t count towards your 3 XFs? Or …
Seems like a pretty crappy release overall. None of the good XFs unless you wanna user Henry
Lol nope
Is EA ever gonna change this? You have an ability that costs 10 AP and the limit is 6. Good job guy…
I did this with Vanguard TE Sandcastle, and it was amazing watching 190 lb Deion running around sni…
Yes it worked great, until this change to make it impossible. The reason you spend the 7 instead of…
Tome Brady selfless costs 7, Omaha 8, Caveman selfless 10. I get my information from the game
There are abilities and XFs that cost more than 6 AP by themselves, you think EA will address that …
3 plays on, NINE plays off, wtf, no wonder nobody uses him
Gonna be kinda tough to use Selfless or Omaha with 6 AP, makes a lot of sense EA
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