Good release (Generic 3, third fastest) plus Gunslinger+HRM for 6AP on a 96 speed QB. He's not wort…
This man's in game awarness is around 32, no chance he's got 97. He will just look at a DL in front…
In some cover 3 formations (More often with Alternate D:4-3 playbook) a cb plays a mid zone combo w…
96 Speed as a 94 but 97 Julio Jones has 95 base speed. I see EA back at it with the warcrimes
he literally has evasive built in.
84 Block Shed on a 94 RE, criminal
This comment didnt age well lmao
Well we know who's never gonna be used when the EA changes come on the 23rd
There appears to be a concept for NFL Honors Kupp aswell, hidden in the PUP Card art
Both. Sherman is an absolute animal aswell. depending on your other CBs you might want to drop one …
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