This is a nice card, pulling him in a pack would be awesome. Definitely not paying 800,000+ coins f…
That's your opinion, but Kyler has a lot less strength and ball-carrying. Lamar almost never fumble…
Definitely. Basically any cards that go into a power up for a good card go up in price
Plus HRM is 4 ap on Kyler way too expensive
Pretty good card but I'm gonna stick with lamar. Release has never really bothered me on current ge…
Nah if it was a blue eggstravagant egg then it might be
yep but fan appreciation should have a free nat golden ticket whenever that comes out unless EA dec…
Hollywood seems fine but the rest are trash
Oh ok i guess doing math in my head isn't working today. Thanks though
My bad just checked prices I could complete probably 2 sugar rush sets
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