Re: EA Play Supercharge Pack
Same thing happened to me. Hopefully we get the pack soon
Re: What would be the ultimate user lineman card and its abilities?
Imagine a OOP DT at SS that had 98-99 SPD and jump, as well as 0 AP Acro. Would be unstoppable
Re: Wontons Card shop. Give suggestions on who to make.
Might wanna put this in the "graphics" section of the forums. Cool card art!
Re: Wow these 5 LTDs are in packs for a while
In that case, im gonna wait 3 days to pick up MVS
Re: Does deep out elite apply to corner routes?
What's your favorite NFL Team?
Mines the Panthers. KEEP POUNDING
Re: Maseman07 custom card shop
this is amazing! Thank you!
Re: I won my first head to head game ever!
Congrats! Here's to it being the first of many!
Re: Rank these 3 CBs
100% Cromartie.
Re: Why does Travis Kelce get Eagles chems???
EA does what EA does.
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