It will continue to drop now that promo is over. EA also has a way of nerfing the best receivers a…
If you know, could you point me to where I can see line ups for some of the pros madden bowl?
Do you know where I can see line ups for some of the pros madden bowl?
Tried google and found live…
Best Rental in MUT24 + Best budget QB — hrm + gs for 4AP
Have used him since he came out…tried oth…
2nd best card (next to Calvin) — he makes some big plays but Calvin still dominates.
Anyone think …
Calvin still has the best xfactor + AKA chems + playoff (which will still dominate for time being)
Now time to buy — $1.5mm for best card in game is crazy low. He’ll be back to 2Mm Sat
Time to buy for profit! Still best cars in the game Especially with all AKA Crew chems
He’ll be b…
No Super Bowl promo (at least not yet)
Still an absolute stud and best card in the game
Looks like a monster team to me. I am going to borrow some of your ideas on Def
Good luck!
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