divison dynasty, no. they'll be 91-93 over alls, basically theme team fillers with x2 or x3 chem. W…
so legend strats should be here next week, but don’t expect the set to come out for another few wee…
hopefully in 8 days when new season is out.
warning though, EA have delayed the strat set for a g…
MMG is a cuck lmao
“Hey bee-row” 😂 goofy ahhhh
you also american Gopack. stop saying “bro” like you a new zealander 😂😂 you morons sound like goofy…
go and tell your mother or girlfriend if you even have one the same woman jokes. see if you’re a bi…
watch any of his videos dude. he discriminates women every second video and has said some dodgy ass…
facts. hes sexist and racist. their supporters be throat goat gods 😂
slinger 1 and i’d say slinger 4 which is kylers signature release
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