Prebuilt Jamar chase for 500k… W or L?
with most feared 90s going for damn near 300k, think I made a bad choice?
Figured if OBJ is 91 speed and 640k, Jamar has MF chem and 91 speed… so i figured…
just want to see these reveals dam
1 hour down, another to go lol.
Re: MCS Stream Drop Progress
gotta refresh the inventory page
someone let me know when H2H wins start counting again
just played a game and didnt get my win credit. don’t want to keep playing until it’s fixed.
so let me know when it’s good?
Re: H2H Season games not counting?
yeah I just won a game 50 points to 7 and none of my stats counted or my win? it was gonna make me 5-0 in Legends...
Watch me now lose 3 straight. Bruh
Re: What’s the point of playing mut if you don’t play h2h?
the wait times/lobby’s are why this ain’t a thing. theres websites like battle fly that do this
Re: What’s the point of playing mut if you don’t play h2h?
dam, well put
Re: Why some players had 89 fields in week 1
yeah i agree. With the recent Superstar glitch it’s debatable (i didn’t do it) as it’s playing the game. this is a clear exploit
Re: Why do we buy this game smh
honestly its because they’re the monopoly. They can fix glitches that effect them within an hour but leave players who never received rewards or preorder point…
Re: Julio Jones
honestly he won’t do much for the eagles but man is that a W for your theme team for future legend Julio Jones cards
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