Re: Justin Fields Already on AH
you also can’t go 47-0 in a 25 game weekend league... you catch my drift
Re: what's your opinion about Comp Pass?
i did them all in a day, watched movies on my sunday (yesterday) with the misses and grinded this
Re: what's your opinion about Comp Pass?
finished all of WL but the 15 win objective and finished solo battles.
WL took me 8 games, not that hard with non win objectives. stuck trying to get 15 wi…
Re: what's your opinion about Comp Pass?
next week/the next reset. got 700 CP at the moment, one of my objectives is win 15 games in WL, i have 8 at the moment with 10 left.
i should be able to ge…
Re: Justin Fields Already on AH
Re: what's your opinion about Comp Pass?
going to suck for me since reset is at 2:30am my time, I’m in the run for fields but it’s gonna have to be a 8pm bed time friday so i can wake up at 2:30am on…
Re: Dailies added to S1 program passes and now…
online yes, but sets you only need to do the 87 one for the field pass. you get a free 84 half way through, so only need 4 more
Re: Sell team before most feared?
always a risk. gotta be your choice so the blame or success falls upon to yourself. i’d advise not too… maybe sell guys who have high value only
Re: Justin Fields Already on AH
that was me, just went 47-0 in weekend league
Re: Just pulled full legend charles woodson from a free redzone pack
W pull. he’s been great for me, i’d change ronde for another team captain or move one to DB 4 for nickel and dime packages
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