Re: What is the BEST FEELING in madden?
facts. celebrating on a pick and falling down rather than scoring when your opponents spammed bunch outta pure spite
Re: 98 sugar rush pack or Eggstravagant Basket?
really upto you. guaranteed coins vs excitement and risk.
I’m choosing excitement and risk personally, its almost April the games almost done. also depends…
Re: Best Egg Rolls
wasn’t saying it’s bad… just said 2/10 compared to 7/10 is insane we basically flipped LTD vs eggstravagent eggs
Re: Best Egg Rolls
what the hell. i got 2/10. 7 is insane
Mystery or eggcelent rolls?
pulled all the 10 eggstravagants. didn’t QS any, best eggs to open next?
if i roll eggcelents I’m wondering if the move is to QS anything not Eggstravagent…
i have 400k in jerseys but I’m a fit check sort of guy. i keep them because i love switching up my unis hahaha
Re: Best Egg Rolls
i haven’t quick sold any. not worth it imo you’ll waste currency. you’ll most likely pull the same egg again and everytime lose 100 chocolate
i opened all …
Re: Woolen or Willis from 97 set pack?
woolen is pretty good. have midzone deep zone for 2AP, he makes plays for sure
Re: Difference between mid zone ko and flat zone ko?
i feel like my midzone lights up below 10 yards at times so i think midzone is the better one imo.
should run it on corners and safety’s too if you can
how have people got zaven collins already
jeepers that’s a grind and a half. i get 15 WL wins per week and I’m sitting at 2,200 out of 2,700. i thought i grinded a bit, obviously not hahah
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