Seb's Guess the Player FINAL May Standings + GTP#7 Results
Times up for the GTP#7! I've been very busy over the past week, sorry for the lack of GTPs. This one was a little bit of a challenge as well. Let's see our win…
A.J. Dillon GT Problems
Just bought A.J. Dillion as my HB, I wanted to put Backfield Master and Juke Box on him. I’ve got 2 AP to use, so I put BM on him in the first receiving slot f…
[EXTENDED TO 10 PM] Seb’s Guess the Player #7 - LAST ONE IN MAY [NEW CLUE]
Seb's Guess the Player #7: Guess the player and **DM** me the link to the card in the MUT.GG database or the player and card overall. **If you don't link the c…
Seb’s Guess The Player #6 Results
Times up for the GTP#6! I was busy so it got delayed for a bit. This one was a little bit of a challenge as well. Let's see our winners!
Correct Answer: 80 …
Tyreek Hill or Billy White Shoes?
I’ve had Tyreek PuPed for a bit, and today I pulled Billy out of TVP, and I’m wondering if I should power down Tyreek and PuP Billy for use as my WR3/Slot. Any…
Seb's Guess the Player #6: Guess the player and **DM** me the link to the card in the MUT.GG database or the player and card overall. **If you don't link the c…
Seb's Guess the Player #5 Results
Times up for the GTP#5! This one was a little bit of a challenge, but not as much as the last one! Let's see our winners!
Correct Answer: 96 Overall TOTY Co…
Seb's Guess the Player #5 - EXTENDED UNTIL TOMORROW AT 7:30 AM (5/24)
Seb's Guess the Player #5: Guess the player and **DM** me link to the card in the MUT.GG database or the player and card overall. **Please remember, if you don…
Seb's Guess the Player #4 Results
Times up for the GTP#4! This one was quite the challenge and only 2 people guessed correctly, lets see our winners!
Correct Answer: 89 Overall Season 4 Cham…
Seb's Guess the Player #4
Seb's Guess the Player #4: Guess the player and **DM** me link to the card in the MUT.GG database or the player and card overall. **Please remember, if you don…
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