MUT 25 Season 2 Level 7 Ultimate Dark Uniform Fantasy Pack Pics
In the field pass, we can earn a fantasy pack with dark uniforms where we can choose 1 of 26 uniforms. I have seen various posts and questions asking what the…
MUT 25 Level 27 Ultimate Light Uniform Fantasy Pack Pics
In the field pass, we can earn a fantasy pack with light uniforms where we can choose 1 of 28 teams. I have seen various posts and questions asking what these…
MUT 25 Helpful Links
Going forward, we will use this sticky thread to help organize links we find helpful for the community. Please use this as your one stop shop throughout the y…
[MUT 25] Player Quicksell Training Values
MUT 25 Training QS Values
70 OVR – 1 Training
71 OVR – 2 Training
72 OVR – 3 Training
73 OVR – 4 Training
74 OVR – 7 Training
75 OVR – 11 Tra…
[MUT 25] Platinum Quicksell Coin Values
MUT 25 Platinum Player QS Values
76 OVR - 2,400 coins
77 OVR - 3,700 coins
78 OVR – 6,000 Coins
79 OVR – 9,000 Coins
80 OVR – 14,000 Coins
[SOLUTION] Yardage stats not tracking in competitive pass
I've had an issue that started last comp pass where the stats objectives that required some type of yardage weren't progressing and if you have a similar issue…
Full hidden egg list
As of 3/30 there has been another egg found in MUT draft, you can start a game and quit right out to trigger the reward.
You also get an egg if you win a H…
PSA regarding Doritos Codes
PSA for anyone having issues with Doritos codes, it is now working for me. I used the same code that showed invalid last week and it just accepted it today.
Possible Bug with Homer and Indoor Baller
Stadium: Dallas Cowboys and Campbell's Chunky
Solo: Headliners - Rookie by Name
Solo Battles: Any
X Factor: Selfless and Unstoppable Force
BND Player Quicksell Values
Thought I'd put together a quick list of the BND players we can receive so far and what they Quicksell for. This list is for field pass, preorder All Madden p…