Automatic penalty
Why does it give you an automatic penalty when you run certain RPOs? It’s always an illegal man downfield. Shits wack af.
Larry fitz
Is cover athlete Larry washed?
Same person different team
Anyone play online h2h and you finish a game and then go right back and play another to find it’s the same gamertag with a whole different team. same players j…
Cover athletes
What time today do they normally reveal these? I can’t remember.
So what cards do we need ?
So what players should be be stocking up on in preparation for diamonds? They barely showed what a set looks like. I think it was the frank QB card. But that’s…
QB Draw
Anyone know why the QB always does some weird half turn when you call the draw instead of just running straight uphill?
Anyone else SICK OF AIKMAN?
Been using this dude for forever and a day: set feet lead.
doin his thang.
now all of a sudden he sucks dick. Can’t throw for shit. I don’t believe in th…
Random question for the community
I have a question, has anyone thought of maybe conplaining to EA about when the damn DB’s are running in front of the receiver and more or less impeding them f…
Calling all HRM users!!!
this is for anyone who uses HRM religiously and has a hard time getting rid of it for any other abilitie(s).
do yall feel that SFL is OP enough to forfeit t…
Long range deadeye
anyone using long range deadeye? has anyone seen any difference or actual success with it equipped?
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