Re: Is Madden 25 worth buying
Thank you I will probably buy it during Black Friday
Re: Is Madden 25 worth buying
Thank you for the advice I will get on a plane and go somewhere that doesn’t have Madden
Re: Is Madden 25 worth buying
Thanks for the heads up I am a NMS so I really need those things to have a average team
Re: Is Madden 25 worth buying
Thank you I was deciding between Madden and 2k
Is Madden 25 worth buying
I am deciding whether if I should buy the game, I have been playing a ton of 2k and I have been bored of it.
Celtics 1,2,3, and 4 because I am a Celtics fan
Re: Ultimate Legends Blurred Image (5/25)
That’s sad
Re: Ultimate Legends Blurred Image (5/25)
Last broncos UL 96 Shannon sharpe
Re: what’s your status for M25?
You know what I am resetting I am giving EA 1 more chance, I am probably telling a friend to borrow 25 and see how it is if it is bad quitting if not playing
Re: Explain to me the psychology here
In myteam 2k I was down 30-57 and came back and won
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