I still think they will, some promos are a week behind ovr boosts. If they don't boost overalls thi…
Kyle Shananagans approaching legendary bills territory with that SB record
Defensive madden is just not fun. I would way rather play in shootouts than close defensive battles…
Ya, I just wish they'd save the glitchy overdone ability bullshit until May, let people play with a…
that's what i tried to say, I can see now it doesn't make sense. Idk why they couldn't just make 97…
ya whatever they are trying to do here kinda sucks
lol make it worse than his 95. how hard is this job, everyone who won an award gets at least 96, gi…
the rule used to be they had to be on the 53 man roster, now the rule is they have to have actually…
put him as your backup qb on one of the 4 theme teams...
that's a bummer, why not give them all 96s...
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