Best Stocking stuffer
Now that all the dust with the presents has settled I have around 5k snow to work with and since there are still more ZC cards coming I was hoping to upgrade a…
Re: 99 FAP Player choice
I thought about taking Kennedy but I already have 99 lane johnson and needed a LE upgrade so I ended up taking Too Tall
Re: 99 FAP Player choice
Yea I took Too Tall because I really needed a LE with abilities. He played very well in his first game.
99 FAP Player choice
I grinded out the field pass today and ended up getting the BND legendary variety pack and was able to get lucky with a BND 99 ovr FAP player. It has players f…
Re: Caleb Williams price predictions
Hmm, I see that especially given his size. The only thing stopping me from thinking he's going to be the most expensive is having hill and waddle just drop.
Caleb Williams price predictions
I'm a die hard bears fan and I need that Caleb Williams card when it drops. It got me wondering, how much do you think the top 5 picks (99 ovr presumably) are …
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