96 speed at safety isnt even that bad
The LTD is supposed to be a recycle, EA trying to justify it by saying that its "out of the vault"
hopefully in the next few drops
Next week for most, but if you got the double tokens from the Mistake where you didn’t get 10 token…
“They had us in the first half not gonna lie”
Holy moly took EA long enough to give cardinals a freakin d-lineman that isn’t Leki Fotu
Mid zone not only helps cover more ground for a potential knockout but it also basically means that…
Personally I’m gonna use my tokens on him because I like running cover 3 where him or jiayir brown …
Hold up what formation are you running cover 3 out of haha, just curious cause it seems like you’re…
Exactly like Micah, some upgrade tokens in solo challenges and some in the field pass
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