You know, for being a cloutlord... I feel like there could be easier ways to accumulate your clout β¦
Troy doesn't have the height, but has everything else. Cheaper stack, can shed blocks, and has the β¦
I don't know about you, but I'm using that Lane Johnson.
Exactly. He made a mistake, learned from it, and didn't do it again. I don't understand why some peβ¦
Just spamming "dog fighter" like a hundred times. I don't appreciate what Vick did. At all. But he β¦
Hey, mods, can we get this deleted? We get it, he did a messed up thing in the past that he did timβ¦
Putting the upgrade token in them that you get from the Solos
You are not a true Michigander.
A better LOLB, and to not spam this same question on every new player's comment section
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