Here was my prompt:
"From 1-10 with 1 being the best, rank the best versions of Madden NFL the vide…
Hey now, I was throwing to Yancey Thigpen in 94 before a lot of these kids were born! This is ChatG…
I asked last week. Maybe our prompts were different?
Go to Glover Quin and find his "upgrades" tab. Upgrade him for 5 Training Points and look for the 3…
You use remix coins to upgrade them. You can earn remix coins by completing challenges, winning hou…
The motivator boost will apply to every single player on your roster with 49ers team chemistry equi…
7x 93+ UL Players for 1,500 Points. Limit of 1 and it expires Monday morning.
Thank you and I agree. If they do Legends chem in 24 again, it would be nice for there to be some p…
Thanks! I'm glad you found it to be helpful.
A lot. I want to say I've heard around 150? I haven't had a chance to play it myself yet.
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