Re: Best free legend to chose???
Wait, the token legends are auxtionable?
Re: [SPECULATION] SUPER BOWL:MVP & Promo this year,Who is your guess?
Re: Have you pulled a LTD this year and if so, how many and who
Pulled TOTW Jesse bates, all madden Reggie white, WR Randy Moss
maybe one more, idr
Re: [SEASON 4 & NEXT COMP PASS GUESS] Who & What all are you hoping to see?
Season 3 was pitiful. Every single card was outdated before they even did the reveal. Made me lose so much interest in the game as a whole. I think it was the …
Re: Best team names you have seen?
The three worst are (in order): HIM, NMS, MommysCreditCard
honorable mention of awfulness to kids who just make some lame ass MMG-style name like Women Suck…
Re: [ZERO CHILL PT 6 STATS & PICS TBA] My guess will be more Ghosts so we can max Ghosts Chem.
Hopefully they apologize and announce make rights for how bad the presents were too lol
Re: W by inadvertent jedi mind trick.
For the FGs, you can get that done in like 4 minutes.
favorite FG as a play, then in legends challenges, pick Fred Taylor’s first challenge. with FG a…
Re: [ZERO CHILL PT 6 STATS & PICS TBA] My guess will be more Ghosts so we can max Ghosts Chem.
For me, I care a lot lol. I went all in and have 50/50 zero chill team and basically 0 coins left. Once I get this card I can sell Will Anderson for 500K and h…
Re: [ZERO CHILL PT 6 STATS & PICS TBA] My guess will be more Ghosts so we can max Ghosts Chem.
Is it 100% coming tomorrow or Are you just guessing?
Re: [89 OVR TEAM BUILDERS PT 2 STATS & PICS] Drop tomorrow Per EA
Sure, I guess…but any program could have been cards for a new team. I don’t understand the significance of “team builder” as a theame. Like, It just means noth…
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