Still gunna be hard to stop using 6’5 89 Kelce tho that card is OP if you know how to use him.
Hicks and Crowder way better and faster this card is useless.
Ahh no we have Hicks and Crowder this fool ain’t touching a Vikings TT
86 cod 85 awr 85 prc 85 agi all mid stats and doesn’t strip ball. Also 51 hit power this card is so…
Krause is cheap rn only 100 k
You can give him a try but I would recommend playing 89 Krause at FS and Eric Berry at SS. Berry ca…
EA guys do it to put a few more into circulation to bring it’s price down for other ppl.
He plays around the same as 88 Smith-Marsette on a 25/50 Vikes theme team. 2 speed more than Smith-…
92 SPC catch and 91
Speed is what matters. Also over 90 on all route running and 92 change of direc…
Anybody use this 87 on Vikes TT yet? Let me know how he plays he could be a budget beast with 89 sp…
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