What should I upgrade?
This is my team
Why cant my users catch a football?
Mike Evans GT FS
when do we get our mikey evans? and also is he free?
WW token
i earned my token from the field pass but didn't get it. what should i do?
MUT Draft
How does the draft thing work? Can you use 15k to get in as much as you want?
Best non program TT
I want to make a theme team but don't know what to make. Any replies are appreciated.
Egg Predictions?
What do you guys think will be in each egg?
Week 4 Milestones
does anyone have their week 4 milestones or their daily coin + strategy items?
Anyone get a 96 from the 93+ and from combine field pass?
I need to know if I should grind for this or not because I don't want to waste my time
Best strategy cards?
I need to know what strategy cards are to use. Im currently running gunslinger(+2 throw power) and In the zone (+3 Zone)
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