Yea i gotchu. You have a style you prefer?
Graphics may be dead, but here is some work I've done recently.
Re: Proven Design Graphics by Anoldcow
Been a while since I posted anything on here. Sorry for all designs i've yet to do. Sort of shifted over to posting on insta, but I'll drop a couple of stuff i…
Lavonte David/welcome pack
Has anyone not found the welcome pack? just got on for the first time in a while and don’t see mine anywhere. Anyone know what I should do?
User Strip
Does anyone know what button to press to force a fumble, or at least a chance? stuggling to figure it out. on PlayStation btw
Re: Proven Design Graphics by Anoldcow
I can get something going for you.
Qb releases
Is there a spreadsheet or any ranking on the qb releases and which guys have what? I’m looking to buy a new qb but I want a guy who will get the ball out quick.
Re: Hill/Waddle or Sherman?
My bad bro haven’t played the game in a few days and just remeber the promo 🤣
Re: Hill/Waddle or Sherman?
Working with Garrett Wilson, locket, using the draft boost they are so fast, and the bnd jettas from comp pass. Corners are the barbee at ninety nine, the reel…
Hill/Waddle or Sherman?
Both my wr core and cb core are the same overalls, and I’ve saved my free aka pack to snag one of the 99 cards. Anyone have an idea of which guy is better?
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