Oh trust me, This kid I played had zero chance lol. If you want to play competitively, this card su…
Tight Formation or Utrips corner routes, Streaks, Fades ,Long posts and C routes are all tied into …
First card that can hit 99 DRR? or am i trippin?
yeah ik, ya gotta do watchu gotta do when rockin a theme team lol. 99 DRR should absolutely cooooook
they hoed him with 86 man, one more and he'd be able to get 90
Ik I just used it, short in is still better in my opinion.
This card is actually unusable without slinger
oh myyyyy, his release is horrid LMAO, i just played a kid that actually couldn't get a ball off to…
short in elite is better. route tech isnt working on zigs or motion slants like short in would. Not…
short in is def still the move dudeeeee, he murders with short in
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