why not use the unstoppable force elevated 3 thats so O.P
not willing to spend 1.1 on a slot cb do you think his price is ever gonna drop been waiting foreve…
why don’t more people use the unstoppable force elevated 3??
is it worth upgrading lott for him on a 50 super bowl TT
idk why they gave him paranoid its so annoying
how are his abilities trash? LOL
this dude missed so many throws that flacco never did also liked slinger one more think ima sell an…
0ap lurk artist and play ball in air aggressive and he would have been the new carmicheal 100%
has anyone given him a shot could be a potential Carmicheal JR but play ball is balanced not aggres…
hows he play at saftey im a chargers fan really want him but he’s just so expensive and brown plays…
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