Rqms tt best in the game corners are ramsey, talib and him bruh
hes 88 spd unless you run the ball all game vernon is 10x better wuth te aprentice
Get bo and itll be good try to get the new tyreek and build a tt with ur defense and backups to get…
wait cuz a tyreek is prob gon come out and he will be better also vick is not that much better than…
JuJu runs a 4.5
Worst 99 ovr oat besides dt john madden?
Bro why reply just to say IDK
Alr ea LEON SANDCASTLE from the movie, ik ur trying to make the game fun but the actual gameplay is…
bro the cowboys get dickedsucked every year they litterally have not gone. without a. card in a pro…
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