everyone hating these cards and i feel it. maybe i get lucky cuz i just switched to 50/50 cowboys j…
97 is 260k training so buy a 97 in the shop for 130k and quicksell it, or the regular is 2m auction.
its a 92 bro, it'll be 13k
Custom 1 & 2: Lurk Artist (0 AP), Deep Route KO (1 AP), Medium Route KO (0 AP), Mid Zone KO (1 AP)
dzko, mzko and pa for 1 and all 32 chems. what we thinkin?
crazy, i'll have that bihhh first day. i was just saying for the rookies.
to get a 99 you have to win 5 in a row, 4 times.. so 20 total wins.. then, you don't get the 99 unt…
Instead of earning reward players at specific levels of the Field Pass, 4x "Season 6 97 OVR BND Pla…
Man let’s gooooo!!
176k insta sellll oowie
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