Re: Best SS user in the game currently?
Not even close lol. Imagine spending AP for your lb to animate.
The answer is Kam and it's not even close.
Re: [CONTENT SCHEDULE] Comp pass & Season 3 info/TB'S / Zero Chill/ TOTW + More.
They'll be in denial and say that they didn't waste 1m5 million, but the real ones know the truth. This was Marcus Allen all over again lol
Re: Favorite comp pass player?
Gano but I'm low-key excited for Fitz I loved his AKA card
Re: Best RB in the game?
Marcus Allen
Re: totw this week
He definitely didn't get one lol
Re: GMM updates
I think there's almost 100% going to be some kind of season 2 overtime field pass on Thursday. The timer still says 1 day 22 hours right now. So it won't be ne…
Rip to people who paid 2 million for Mario Williams this weekend. Cameron Wake looks just as nasty and will be 500k lol.
Re: [CONTENT SCHEDULE] Comp pass & Season 3 info/TB'S / Zero Chill/ TOTW + More.
Lol @ anyone who paid 2 mil for Mario Williams with Cam Wake coming out today.
Re: Barkley or Allen
I haven't tried Barkley cause I run a legends team but Allen is nasty. He's huge and quick as hell and can run thru anyone.
Re: What is the best TT? (minus legends )
This gets asked every day. Only you can decide that for yourself.
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