Did I get EA'd?
I'm trying to complete the Comp Pass and a few weeks ago was completely locked out of MUT Champs, couldnt get in, couldnt get the xp, for 2 weeks straight, mea…
Please Help Me Understand
I'm so confused and just lost in how the gameplay works for this game. Just played 2 games of MUT Champs, 1st game I lost because my opponent threw 40 yard pas…
Mut Champs Completely Inaccessible Bug??
Hey all, I was trying to play champs and tried to get into a game, got stuck on a black loading screen so I never loaded into the game, closed out, reopened, w…
How do you even compete online?
Hey all, I understand the whole "just get good" bit but like at a certain point I'm not sure what else to do? Mesh and any other form of lateral route seems ba…
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