Re: Pulled a 96 BND out of a 91+ pack?
Good point. It was the Mission MUT exchange for 91+
Pulled a 96 BND out of a 91+ pack?
Somehow I pulled a 96 BND out of the 91 + pack? It’s the same card I chose for my captain so I wasn’t sure if I’m doing something that makes it BND or if EA is…
Re: Best move for 84’s and 85’s
Little bit of a tangent but is anyone else feeling like it’s a lot tougher to make coins lately? I finally figured out decent filters and now those are fewer a…
Best move for 84’s and 85’s
What do you all do with your 84’s and 85’s?
Is there a threshhold(s) tied to your overall for match making? I feel like all the sudden I can’t Match up either skill wise or roster wise
Re: Sniping on companion app
How you filter makes a huge difference. It also depends on if you are going after commonly sniped stuff. FA sets are popular right now do trying to get a decen…
Sniping limitations
Are there certain parameters (staying at or below median price on re sell, how fast you can/should resell a card bought, volume of snipes, etc.) that you all t…
Anyone run Creed Humphrey at LG or J Kelce at LG
If so is there a drop off in their play?
Re: MUT menu not showing up??
Got it. Oh well, sounds like that combine fantasy pack was a bust for most anyway
Re: MUT menu not showing up??
Dumb question, but was that scheduled to happen or EA just being EA? I naively left two solo battles or h2h victories to get the 90+ fantasy pack thinking I co…
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