It’s a football game bro do u think nobody deserves to be in the game for things they did? Like bro…
Doesn’t matter. To a 13 year old playing this game they look him up they see he’s one of the best l…
dog. I hope u know there’s hella people in the league on steroids. and people commit crimes do u ju…
Stats wise yes but Micah don’t get blitz x-factor
Nah this funny af does he got that Saddiq bey upper 💀
I played a whole season with both and rg3 completed 8 passes and 5 INT. Bryce had 22 completions an…
He’s one of the best linebackers ever yeah he dows
Yeah… but this LT came first
This guy always has something to say 💀
Ok then is Barry bonds not the best home run hitter? He still had to hit the ball. There’s skill in…
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