Re: Solo Battles...Am I doing something wrong?
think it's just a redzone pack if you make it to legend
Re: Which Jersey is a Free Win?
dunno if you consider the ugly USAA ddpat jersey promo uni
Re: Lmao right handed vick
99 speed qb... i hate this lol
Re: Best ability on WR?
obvious ones are the apprentices. if you already use HRM, any of the man beating abilities with the prevalence of press man
Re: Best powered up Stocking stuffer
how has jalen been for you? he hasn't done anything for me with the power up and i have all my ap on him with 40/40 TT
Re: Zero Chill Present Predictions?
i got a 2140 QS the snow plow present today from a small. its like red/orange bow and gold+orange striped not sure who could be though probably a fullback or l…
Re: Theme Teams
ive been able to keep 40/40 and put in a bunch of ZC players
Re: ZC Julio
no but he gets good chems
Re: ZC Julio
would be pretty hard, he gets 99 spd with TT and ZC boost and he tall
Re: How many limited presents are you sitting on?
2 ltd, should be 3 but i QSd one cause im dumb and 6 xl + 11 large presents.
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