Re: Randy Moss Abilities
nope, your stuck with those abilities, thats what kills the card
Re: [ULTIMATE LEGENDS] Who are your hopes this week
Michael Strahan fashooooo
Re: What do you think Deion's GT's boosted stats will be?
i would imagine a golden ticket deion having 99 acceleration stock anyway
Re: Who Needs Upgrades?
courtland sutton / chris jones
Re: Guess the Stat - Defense #1
Re: [RISING STARS] Who are your hope this week.Last week of WCW Content.
oh gotcha, i thought they were done with promos for the year, my mistake
Re: [RISING STARS] Who are your hope this week.Last week of WCW Content.
so this is basically the last hope for any current player upgrades that arent getting a GT, welp i guess chris jones wont be getting an upgrade \*sigh\*
Re: Quickest way to hit level 50?
how's that even possible
Re: Best Madden YouTuber
Re: Quickest way to hit level 50?
nobody is level 50 legitimately yet
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