Bummer for those of us on PC!
I’m now curious about the “32 team chemistry” cards in the S7 season pass. While it worked this way…
So last year gave as many as 32 84BNDs and 1 87OVR. Maybe that’ll stand out as a historical outlier…
The Madden ROH card and 99 Captain Crowder are better team team options (let alone Sugar Rush Hendr…
The ZCV is absolute garbage for all three versions of this card. MLB3/4 on a Packers TT, sadly.
Puca, Hamilton, and Parsons in that order
As has been the case for a majority of the Team Affinity programs over the years, the cost to get t…
Pretty drab card for a guy who's had a pretty drab year. But we'll take x2 chem for the TT!
So no Lurk Artist (on a Pass Coverage LB)? Bummer...
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