Chemistry issue, He and Dj Reed so far are the only cards that don't have the other teams they play…
Same here bro #GiantsTT
This better not be another DJ Reed situation cuz the Giants TT needs a center
Annoyed by this cuz I was able to get 85 version and now I'm stuck with it cuz they not updating it…
Same here I wanted to put 9ers Chem on him
I got it on my other account that's banned from the auction house but I'm the account I'm playing o…
I still haven't received this welcome pack item at all
Bradberry is better then him in everything except MCV when it comes to the stats shown here
They did us dirty they should have given a college KT upgrade or something along those lines for of…
Can some one put him up on PS5 so I can get him for my theme team please
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