why not use him outside… that’s where aggs are mostly thrown up
yea now or wait till out of packs. had he dropped to around 500k, maybe i’d consider, but absolutel…
you don’t need lurker on your safeties. lurker makes lbs animate as if they were cornerbacks or saf…
i’d sell/qs them and get derwin james and maybe jeremy chinn at sublb. all depends on budget thoigh
i don’t think he’s worth it for this price lol
oh. bo is build to be a user, i wouldn’t drop him deep with his low play rec and awareness
are your lbs bnd?
yep. wonder what they’ll
do next week. playoff promo will likely start the following week, so we ha…
they tend to take a break from totw in december. all weeks missed will still have masters, they wil…
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