Re: Why tf was my pfp deleted
Wooooow. The nerve. That was one of the finest papa meags picture known to man. The audacity.
Re: Best User in the game to date
There’s a real argument to be had for rod martin.
Re: House Rules
Yeah I keep getting loss message even when up on points? Idk about this one.
Re: Hmm just pulled Gregg and then got my 97 OVR
Honest question. Does his size matter that much? (Giggidy) but really. I just pulled him as well. Only 1 game in but I can’t see a huge glaring issue or anythi…
Re: Biggest pull of my life
I would probably sell. Personally I wanted him on my team anyways so I shall keep. But I don’t see his price ever going up anymore from here on tbh.
Re: Training prices dropping... bang bang!
I’m reminded of the blitz promo in these times… many sold there teams and lost big time. Few did navigate smoothly enough to come out ahead but it’s a huge ris…
Biggest pull of my life
Decided to buy the platinum Super Bowl bundle and pulled TWO LTDS foresst Gregg and rod martin… so fuxking hyped… other then that it was all 92s and 280k ish…
Re: Assuming We Get Super Bowl Past Players...
Did they say Edelmana abilties?
Re: Promo strategy items?
I just use the heavyweight one from thanksgiving event
Re: Super Bowl Past Teaser
My prediction is patriots Edelman raven joe flacco Steelers Hines ward and cardinals edge James all offense. Other 4 will be defense.
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