Best Man Coverage Corners
What are the best corners for Man coverage?
Best Abilities for QB Bo
I’m a bit late but I just finally got QB Bo and I am wondering what are the best abilities on him if I like to throw on the run with him?
Best AKA Release Yet?
Do you guys think this is the best AKA release yet?
Ed Too Tall if he gets unstoppable force would be amazing to pair along side Sapp or even replace him.
96 Flacco or 95 Perry
I have perry currently but am wondering if 96 Flacco is the move because he can get the God stack. Perry does have the best release in traditional 4 and Flacco…
Eagles Playbook
I have just switched over to Eagles Playbook and was wondering what are some of the best formations and plays to run out of Eagles playbook
Thanks in advance
Is Calvin worth the 2 million Coins?
This New Calvin is amazing. Xfactor that starts on and 96 base speed but 2 million is steep i think when there are wide receivers like Flowers, Ridley, Deion. …
Bucs winning this game?
Bucs are looking dominant after this first half and do you guys think they are gonna stay dominant?
Cover 3 or 4
Is Cover 3 or Cover 4 the best Zone Coverage. I play cover 3 more and have plays to exploit it but when i play cover 4, i tend to struggle to get open.
Best Rb in MUT right now?
Who do you guys think is the best Rb in MUT right now and why?
Best Meta Schemes
What are some of the best schemes right now in madden and how do u run them?
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