Is the h2h zh house rules special event 4 qtr long or same 1ike VCpu only 2?
Or like most feared h…
to all those who asked how to upgrade next the captain and when we all will get those magic balls m…
Am I right that only the 91 St.Brown counts for the MB Hero set, cause got him from the 88+ pack bu…
would be nice
wuhuuuu, 3 Tokens 4 the captain 💪 although I don't really use him 😂 maybe I should switch from KJ …
It shows Ravens, but only 2 player (Hb and le)
Edit: Found the other 3 guys with ravens chem, they …
agree, me wanted it also back
me was wondered don't getting token after 10 wins, then saw my Captain is already 97 😉👌
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