Champ is best in the slot. Since you run medium route KO I assume you run man. If so, you should pu…
Revis and Haynes both get 99 man and 99 zone and have outside shade/inside shade for 2 AP respectiv…
Like I care what you think seems legit LMAO. There are lots of people on here I know well and will …
Theme teams weren't even a thing in MUT until just a few years ago. I do run Legends because I've b…
He took up that nickname in 2019 but it's not widely used or known. Meanwhile , he had a really poo…
Honestly, I hope so, that way not everyone will have the card
Waiting for the first 0 AP inside stuff :)
Ahh I have it on Mean Joe and on Dockett. Can't double both of them. Some of the MCS pros have 2 in…
Ina blitz package Prez has a much better skill set and ratings
I have 26 Super Bowls, a 97 OVR team, I've been pretty competitive. Troy isn't the best SS out ther…