His abilities are not insane. If you run man press, there are better press corners so bench press w…
How is the price going to make him play better in game? Would you rather have more residual value i…
No question. Leaps and bounds. He gets 2 AP outside shade which is the most powerful Man cvg abilit…
5'10 w just 90 Jumping tho? What's he gonna do against Megatron on a high point?
I'll amend your statement. Best TE if you run short ins as opposed to using your TE as a true vert…
So you're just running all SIE ? Cleff used to do that
If you're using SIE they won't matter as much but traits always matter IMO
All u need to know about Taysom is he gets SIE for 0 AP
Maybe not. 88 agility and if he has low COD .... he won't move very quickly.
With my strat card and setup he'll have 94 man. Not trash. But that agility is a problem. We will …