I cannot stand any team chem for players it should NEVER be in the game!
why do u need an ability to put dbs in the dirt when stats should dictate it happens? end abilities…
why can a physcial wr get honary lineman at 80ibl but the ONLY te that can get it are blocking te w…
I hope juice stops getting disrespected by ea and gets these 3 abilities on his next card, also mor…
Man these abilities are incredible! never use his cards normally because he cant catch but gees als…
Every off ball linebacker Needs to have MLB secondary position¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As he is an off the ball lineback it is critical that not just this guy but ALL off ball backers ha…
I have been using a Broncos theme ream since before theme team chemistry was in Madden and I will n…
I Cannot stand these nat cards that are unobtainable from grinding the game. Ea is so horrible.
The " there is no broncos in the lwer ovr releases so we must be getting a higher overall hype!!!" …
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