can't be much worse than MUT hvh every single defender has at least 3 abilities 2 of them being ko'…
He would be useless as a run defender cause he's slower than Aidan O'Connell and doesn't even get i…
its a tough life I've had to substitute at spots, but I try to get at least players that recently p…
as a Raiders fan who has a theme team that's as close as possible to the current lineup, I don't ev…
I agree it's a mode to have fun, but every time these cards come out it has the opposite effect. An…
they take away features from the game and add it in years later and claim it to be brand new, they …
lets go someone has a brain and doesn't eat up these garbage ass promos and cards
yeah it makes head-to-head annoying enough, but squads it's just unplayable with 2 or 3 6'8 users o…
I just don't want the only NFL simulation game getting worse every year because it's the only NFL f…
It has no reason to be in the game, besides making everybody play more check-down heavy making ever…
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