Thanks. I'm pretty much getting to the point where I don't want to grind every day and want to pla…
I hope so (on xbox). I'm pretty much selling the rest of my junk and will sell a key piece to try …
Go Raiders!
I guess it depends on your play style. I usually run to the left, so the rbk doesn't bother me. Tri…
I think its Tap the rb (on xbox, r1 on ps) before the snap. Could be lb (L1), but then it will give…
Yes. I have all four in my lineup.
Major W. I ended up doing one roll, got an 89, and then went with the 93 to be on the safe side.
Damn that sucks. That makes my decision easier. Thank you. I did snag Lawrence for 791k earlier
Anyone try out the 89+ roll in the star store? Have 480 stars and debating on just taking another 9…
And if you notice, he has one less accel. The WR has 96 accel.
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