Bang bang, totally forgot he played in San Fran during 1997 season. I might have lost a year back i…
I accept built the 90 Chargers C for my line the other evening, surprisingly decent option, especia…
I had difficult time deciding. Evans looking really juiced with ZC strat card at 94 SPD. I just mad…
Apologize if I'm repeating myself, I somewhat recently converted from PA to pure KOs across my DBs,…
I got caught over the weekend, i was SUPER confused -- stumbled across some 92 OVR for ~30k, thinki…
You have impeccable taste. I've been tinkering with my defense and landed on this outstanding pair…
I'm still testing this exact scenario. I started with Unstoppable Deep Out KO, but have since swap…
Both? I've got em paired up as outside corners.
Get this butt-nugget out of here. I'm typically against any type of quasi-censorship, but come on,…
I was using Joe Flacco, also with Slinger 1 and ability to mostly get a similar stack -- assuming o…