Solid advice, but he's not actually that terrible and i need him for situations where i'm running 3…
Took me forever, but finally was able to grab him from CP. Was a no-brainer for 88 AKA choice.
So …
Almost certainly this Derek Brooks. His stats (including block shed & coverage) are off the charts…
And, thank you for making my point. So many MUT-simp chumps running around. Game is amazing and t…
+1 +1 +1 but EA is far too greedy to do anything decent.
Holy cow, I was just trying to figure out what they "extra All Madden Ability Slot" was supposed to…
Damn, no kidding, eh? I'm currently floating between Walker and Crowder, both with LurkArtist... t…
Congrats, the leaks were accurate! Sadly, not a single player with 49ers team chems, oh well. We'…
Fair point, was more just a random MUT-related grumbling and personal preference. What you are say…
I've been trying to replace Run CMC on the ole 49ers TT, was hoping for a Raheem upgrade, but thing…